Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Beginning

And so it begins. My first post.

I suppose I should start this thing out with something meaningful and profound, but that just wouldn't be me.

So where do I start? I guess a little background info. I am by all accounts a cycling "enthusiast". I love the sport, I love to ride, and while I may be a bit snobbish about some cycling trends and other facets of cycling as a means of recreation, I am genuinely glad to see people on bikes regardless of if they are fixters, wacky tall bike riders, Pro Tour wannabe Freds, or some dude on a Next mountain bike from Wal-Mart.

I am a born again cyclist. I rode extensively in my mid to late teens and early twenties. Then after a decade off the bike I went out and dropped a grand on a bike to win a $50 bet. What was this bet you may ask? It was a bet with my roommate to see who could loose 35 pounds the fastest. From 216, give or take, to 180. I won the bet, though it was partially by default. He gave up when he plateaued at about 200. I made it down to about 174 over about 18 months. Then managed to put it back on over the last 2 years.

I am a dedicated roadie. Not so much because I don't like other disciplines, more because I can't afford additional bikes. To be honest, even if I could, wouldn't have much time to ride them. I am not a racer. Not that I wouldn't like to race, I would. And I hope that someday I will and that by BSNYC's definition, I would pass. I think I would pass, at least in cat 5, but that first I'd like to get my weight back down under 180, oh, and that little matter of time. But that's a story for another day.

So why "The Irrelevant Cyclist"? One word... Content.

Most of the content will probably be off hand ramblings of some form or another being mostly about cycling. As I don't really take myself to seriously, I expect others not to take me seriously, and as such, irrelevant. Its also how I assume motorists see me when I'm commuting by bike. Just some Irrelevant cyclist.

So, now that we have our introductions out of the way, enjoy, share the road, don't fret the petty things and don't pet the fretty things.

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