Thursday, October 15, 2009

The IcyHot Incident

Today I made an interesting discovery on my way to the train stop. The menthol in IcyHot patches seems to be moisture activated. When you have one on and you start to sweat, they really start to go to work. A 10 lb messenger bag on top only intensifies the feeling.

By the time I arrived at my train stop I had to whip my bag around front to relieve the pressure and the feeling that I was receiving a mild chemical burn. Upon doing this I made another fascinating discovery. Some of the menthol seems to have seeped out from under the patch, I'm assuming due to the above mentioned sweating, and feels to have seeped into every wet square inch of clothing on my back. The IcyHot patch that was originally covering the small of my back now extends to my shoulders.

While the feeling of being lathered in a cold numbing gel from the bottom of my shoulders to the top of my crack is not all together unpleasant, I can't say that I want to go around with this feeling all day. In addition to the IcyHot seeping into my clothing and up my back, it has left me surrounded in the faint smell of Vics Vapor-Rub which I am assuming is also menthol and is doing wonders for my congestion.

This could be a new marketing tactic for IcyHot. Not only does it takes care of your muscle aches and pains, but if you get really sweaty it relieves your sinuses and leaves you smelling fresh and minty.

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