Monday, October 19, 2009

A Departure from Protocol

When I started writing this blog, all of a week or two ago, I swore to myself that I would do everything I could to keep it about the bike. I wanted to keep work home and family issues off of it. Unfortunately the events of this morning have resulted in a situation where I feel compelled to put my feelings on paper, or in pixels as the case may be. I do this because I know however bad my day is, its going to be 10 times worse for my wife.

This morning the eldest of my three 1 year olds woke up screaming at about 5:15am. As any parent knows, it is not entirely uncommon a 1 year old to wake up in the middle of the night. On this morning, I had been up with the oldest (here fore C), and the middle (N) already. The youngest (Z) generally ends up in bed with my wife and I as he is the most consistent, getting up nightly only a few hours after being put down.

Generally if they wake up between 1 and 4, I'm not to concerned as I can take them into the living room and we'll crash out on the lay-z-boy for an hour or so. The problem with 5am is that I start getting ready for work at about 5:30. This gives me 50 minutes to do everything I need to do to get out the door with 20 min to catch the train. As previously mentioned, I can make it in 15, but that is at TT pace with a dead wind. 20 min affords me time to eat my 1/2 a bagel and factor in adverse weather conditions such as todays 10 kt head wind.

When someone wakes up after 5, I will usually grab my alarm clock and take it to the lay-z-boy with me in the hope that I can get them sufficiently back to sleep before my alarm goes off. Unfortunately, this morning C woke up N as well. This means that my wife is now in bed with two babies, while I'm in the comfy chair with C.

When 5:30 rolled around C was asleep. That is, until I laid him back down in bed. At that moment he awoke and again began to fuss. Having foregone getting everything ready to go the night before so that I could take Z to bed and give my wife some down time, I knew that I would be rushed. I checked in with my wife to see if N was asleep and if I could move him into Z's bed, which is in our room. He was asleep, up to the point where I tried to pick him up. This woke up Z.

As everyone was now awake, we decided to try N in Z's crib, and C in bed with mom and Z while dad gets dressed for work. This resulted in dad finding everyone still awake and N crying for Mommy when I got out. We then tried switching out N and C while dad got packed to no avail. I know of no worse feeling than walking out the door with my wife being left with one child crying in a crib and two others in bed with her 2 hours before they normally get up knowing full well that now matter how bad of a day I have, hers will be worse.

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